May 19, 2010

Lucien is 1 !!!!!

My little man is 1 now!!! we had a party for him at my mother in law's house just a few friends, nothing fancy, we learned years ago, that babies do not love parties.He was great he dived into his cake and gave daddy a big smooch after! I wish I had that on video, lol. He wasn't into the presents, I don't think he gets it yet but he had a good time. Sadly I forgot my camera and we bought one of those disposable ones hopefully the pics' turn out well and I can post them soon.

It sure doesn't seem like a year has gone by, I'm so grateful to Heavenly Father, for keeping him safe and letting us keep him! Lucien is so big now he's wearing a 2t shirt and 18 month pants, he's long and his belly shows if he wears a smaller shirt, he got his first pair of real shoes size 6 wide (oh my) we didn't think his feet were so big, he says "mom" , "dad" and "kitty", and the funniest thing "not me", there are other words he too. Merrick loves him so much, the other night the boys feel asleep together and Lu started fussing Merrick in his sleep rubs Lu's back and says "shhhh baby it's ok" awwwww how sweet are they!!! Lucien adores his brother and sisters but really Merrick is his pal! oh and Lucien has been walking for 2 months now but he is also a climber, we found him on the couch, the step stool, the coffee table, all the beds, and everywhere in between.

1 comment:

Peach said...

What a big boy! I bet he's so fun.