August 25, 2010

another year without you....

It's been another year and I'm miss you more then ever......every time I try to be positive, I find no reason to be, I'm not going to the Cemetery, it hurts too bad!

A dear friend told me, maybe it was time to move on... how can I move on with out you? There is a HUGE piece of my life missing.

Wow, has it really been 15 years? it still hurts like it was yesterday. all I wanted was to hold you both and raise you and love you, but I guess all I get to do now is just love you, and I do love you more then anything!

Happy Birthday Layla and Shannon!!!


brigette said...

Happy birthday sweet angels!!

Peach said...

I am so sorry I missed this post. Hugs to you, girlie. And love.