February 06, 2010

Febuary update

So it's been awhile since I've given a Lucien up date or any of the kids for that matter well.......

Lucien is 8 1/2 months old now, he is HUGE!!!!! he is crawling and running around in his walker, he wont eat baby food now, he thinks he's big and want big boy food so he gets pasta and chunky veggies and rice type stuff now, it's really hard to find things soft enough for him to eat without chocking, steamed broccoli is on of his favorites now, oh and teeth, he had noting not even a bud forever, the other kids all got their bottom 2 teeth by 4 months, But Lu held out and then in 1 week he got 6 all at the same time, so now we have an alligator, ha ha he loves to bite, with those chompers. He holds his bottle very well, still likes to cuddle with someone to sleep, but that's OK he'll only be little so long, he can stick his tongue out, so funny!!!! and he loves his big brother they are great pals!!! Bear is so good to Lu and is really good about sharing everything with him even me, he he and making him laugh, all the time. Lu loves to chase his brother in the walker, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen, I have video's but can't seem to upload them.

So that brings us to Merrick (aka: Bear) he is 3 now, and a very big boy weighs 43 pounds, he's still his mommy's guy and loves me the most, :) well and his baby Lu. He has learned all his letter sounds and can spell some simple words, amazing!!!! I'm super proud of him!!

Savannah is great, she loves being in school, has made tons of friends, is getting really good grades, Math is her strong point and writing, she has written some great stories, I'll have to post them because they are so crazy good for a second grader!!! She's going to be starting Cheer,next month, not sure how that's gonna go....

Cheyenne, is doing very well in school, still home schooled, she's going to be starting Polynesian dance here soon, she is super good at it she did it for Young Womens, She's going to love it!!!!

Beverly is almost 18 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! that's all I have to say about that!!!!

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